Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quotable Roman

Driving through a construction zone there is a flagman that we have to wait for. It's finally our turn to go.

Roman - Why are you driving so slow mom?
Me - Because, see that sign, it says "SLOW."
Roman - See on the edge, it says CR-V's go fast.


Me - Roman if you don't share that receipt with your brother I'm throwing it away!
Roman - But mom, he's crinkling it.
Me - Well, what do YOU plan to do with it?
Roman - I want to crinkle it myself.


Hudson, please take your toe out of your mouth while you are eating dinner.

Roman, that doesn't mean you need to put your toe in your mouth too.

Roman, get your BROTHERS toe out of your mouth!

No eating toes at the dinner table!


Roman - mom can Hudson have a skittle?
Me - NO!!!!
Roman - Hudson spit it out mom says no no.
Uh oh, he swallowed it already.


Roman was pretending to go to his friends house.

He said "Bye mom, see ya later. Don't let the police come get you."


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