Monday, February 16, 2015

And they are off

Today my parents left to go to the MTC to train for their mission to Cambodia.  It's still crazy to think that my parents are going to be gone for 2 years.  And not to a place that we can just hop in the car and go visit them.  They will be half way around the world, in an area that we have never been to, in fact didn't really know any information about before they received their call. When they received their mission call back in October it seemed so far off, but it came quickly.  They will be in the MTC for a week in Provo, UT, then they will have the weekend at home to prepare the rest of the way then they will have 3 days of meetings at the church office building then a week from this Thursday, on February 26 they will fly to Cambodia.  If you are interested in following along with what is going on with them, they started a blog.

Before they left we decided to do family pictures.  They were originally planning to do them a couple of weeks ago, but Becky was in the hospital, so we had to postpone them until this past Thursday.  They were at 6:30 at night which was an adventure to say the least.   6:30 pm is a tough time with kids that go to bed at 7:30, and especially when you have one that is on ADHD medication that wears off by 5.  While the pictures were being taken we THOUGHT he was being pretty good.  He was sitting still...Then we got the pictures back.  It's a good thing that the photographer can do head swaps, he said he's going to have to do 7. Here are a few of the unedited pictures that he shared with us. Here's the one that I thought (unedited) was the best of everyone.  I'm interested to see the composition he comes up with to give us the best of everyone!

And to show you just how many faces Roman pulled...This is Roman from every family picture.  We'll just call it lots of personality.

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