Monday, January 26, 2015

Even superman...

Cleans toilets.

Today Roman did not have school because the teachers had teacher development meetings.  Because we knew they had the time off school, last week we set up a play date with Roman friend, Michael for today.  Unfortunately this morning Roman forgot his manners and lost the privilege to play with his friend.  He begged to be able to earn it back.  I told him that to earn it back he had to do 3 chores, of my choice.  I told him to clean all the toilets, take care of everyone's laundry, and empty all the garbage cans.  He thought it was a superman sized task, so he put on his spandex and went to work.  I'm happy to report he earned the play date back (and I got clean toilets, garbage taken out, and laundry taken care of!).  The best part, he did it with a happy attitude and was able to play with his friend!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Congrats to both Superman and Supermom!