Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Superman Muscles

Sunday morning Roman was ready for church so he decided to put his Superman costume on OVER his church clothes (because I told him he could NOT take his church clothes off!)  I was upstairs getting ready and ran down to the main floor to grab something and found Roman on the kitchen counter.  He was crouching down trying to hide.

Me - Roman, what are you doing.
Roman - (sits up a little still trying to hide himself) - Nothing.
Me - Roman, you know you aren't supposed to be on the counter.
Roman - (Sits up a little and I can see his shirt has strange bulges) - Mom, I was just using these cups for muscles.  (He pulls 4 ikea cups from under his shirt.)
Me - (Burst out laughing)  Um, okay.  Well, get off the counter at least.

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