Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our Funky Monkey

The Monkey was an appropriate animal for Hudson to attach to because he is a little monkey. He climbs everything. If it's stable enough that he CAN climb it, he will. His favorites, tables, chairs, toys, cabinets, stools, boxes, ottoman, couches, pretty much anything he can get up on. If I turn my back for even a second, chances are he will either be headed to the bathroom or climbing something.

For his birthday Grandma Signe gave him this walker. It also doubles as a mountain to scale apparently...but where do you go when you get to the top? Oh that's right, onto the ottoman.
Spencer was looking at a sign while we were on vacation while holding Hudson. Hudson wanted to get out of his arms and onto the sign then he tried to climb right over to top of the sign.
Never a dull moment around here! --That's my excuse for my recent blog absence. It's always an adventure with these two crazy boys.

Oh and in all the craziness this little man decided to get a few more teeth.

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