Wednesday I took both boys to the pediatrician for their well child check-ups. I thought it would be easier that way, boy was I wrong! I won't be doing that again! (Remind me of this if I try to schedule them together next year, it was such a nightmare!) Roman was just wild. He was running all around the room, hurt Hudson several times, wouldn't sit still. Hudson is teething. He just had 2 teeth come in and there are 4 more that are just RIGHT there.
As always they weighed them, measured them, and checked Hudson's head circumference. After the first nurse had measured another came in and said "Can I just re-measure his height to make sure she got it right. His curve is just off on height." So she remeasured him and it was the same. The doctor came in and we talked about Hudson first. I never know what to expect. I feel like Hudson is so far behind (but I also know that Roman was so far ahead I really can't judge by what he was doing at each age.)
She asked if he was pointing and I said no...should he be?
She asked "Does he wave?" "Yes!" He loves waving.
"Does he say any words?" "Yes, he says about 6 words. Mom, Dada, No, Cup, Hi, Go, Bye."
"Is he walking?" "Not even close! He does stand up by himself though."
"He sounds about average." "Oh good, I don't even know what average is."
So developmentally he's about average. As for size, he is mostly below average.
Height - 28 1/4" (6%)
Weight - 18 lbs 6 oz (off the charts, but she said probably around the 2%)
Head circumference - 81%
Then it was Roman's turn. She directed most of her questions to him.
"How old are you?" "4"
"Did you have a birthday party?" "Yes, 2"
"2?" (I took over and explained that one was in Utah and one was in California.)
"What have you been doing this summer?" "We took a trip."
"Where did you go." "California, Oregon, and Idaho."
(The doctor glances to me to confirm.) "Yes, we went on a long roadtrip."
"Wow, you're brave." "I am! I can float on my back."
(And the conversation continues for several minutes.)
We talked about developmental milestones and she asked if he knew his numbers, colors, my phone number, if we've talked about stranger danger, etc. I told her he can identify numbers to 100, count to 20 without help and 50 with a little help, he can read simple words and write. She said "Then I'm not going to tell you what to expect in the next year." She did ask if he was going to pre-school she said for him it's a good thing. He was kind of a live wire the whole time we were there. He was really showing off (and by showing off I mean showing all the worst things he can do!)
And for size, Roman is also on the small side.
Height - 37" (below the charts)
Weight - 31 lbs (he gained a whopping 1 lb this year!)(13%)
BMI - 76%
They both had needed immunizations and I thought it would be fine. When we had Roman's MMR a few months ago it was no big deal. He whimpered a tiny bit when they gave him the shot then he was over it. Roman said he wanted Hudson to go first. He had 3 shots and was so upset. Before I even had a chance to get him calmed down the nurse gave Roman his immunizations and he was wailing too. I had two angry, screaming kids that I had to get dressed and calmed down. As we were walking out the door the nurse asked Roman if he wanted a sticker. He stopped crying and calming said "yes, please." And he was done screaming. Hudson on the other hand was still mad when we got to the car to go home.
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