Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Funky Monkey

Roman never really had a "Lovie" a blanket he couldn't sleep without, or an animal. He had his thumb and he is still very attached to that.

Hudson used to be a really horrible sleeper at night. He wanted to sleep in the recliner with us every night. He would wrap his fingers in my hair to make sure I was still there. We got to the point that we were desperate to find SOMETHING to replace him sleeping with us. We have some friends with a little boy that's just older then Hudson. They were having a similar problem and one night out of desperation she put her American Girl doll in the crib with their baby. He slept through the night for the first time ever. So they ordered a boy doll (with rooted hair because she was sure that was the key) for him to sleep with (so her husband wasn't so freaked out about their boy sleeping with a girl doll) He wanted nothing to do with the boy doll. The hair wasn't long enough.

A few nights after our friend told us about the doll working for their son out of desperation I started looking around for a doll for Hudson to sleep with so that I didn't have to climb into the crib with him anymore. The only dolls that we even had in the house were my old dolls from when I was younger. My mom made some "cabbage patch" type dolls for me one year for my birthday and Christmas so I gave him the boy doll to sleep with.

It helped some. It wasn't perfect, but anything helps when you aren't sleeping. Then in June we got a certificate for $10 off an animal at Build-a-bear and two certificates for $5 off an accessory. So we went to Build-a-bear and they had a monkey with a tuft of hair on the top. So we chose the monkey then let Roman choose his clothes. Roman of course chose for him to have a University of Utah shirt then a pair of pants. Roman also named "Funky Monkey." Hudson LOVES his Monkey. He can't sleep without him. Luckily he is only attached to him in his bed. He is so funny, we put him in his crib now to go to sleep. The first thing he does is grab a pacifier (if he doesn't already have one in his mouth) then he grabs funky monkey's hair. One night I went to check on and found him sleeping with his arm draped over Funky Monkey's shoulder.

They are best friends, his lovie, can't sleep without him. We need to go get "Funky Monkey II" before they don't have them anymore. Funky Monkey's hair is getting thin already because it's pulled so much but he's definitely loved.

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