Hudson tried to wake up at 6:00 but I just couldn't scrape myself out of bed so I gave him his pacifier and luckily he went back to sleep. Roman came bounding into our room just before 7 and when we asked him to go to the bathroom he erupted into a huge uncontrollable tantrum. I finally got him to the bathroom and into his school clothes (after a few more tantrums) then I suggested we go downstairs to get some breakfast. Even worse tantrum. I finally had to sit at the table with him on my lap and encourage him to eat every bite. I finally just lost it and asked Roman if he liked it when I screamed at him? I don't know what it was about that but he found it funny and his attitude finally changed. By the time we left for school he had a smile on his face, but I could tell he was still a little anxious. He has so many questions (which is normal, but it was more then usual) I think his biggest fear was that his best friend from last year wasn't going to the same school as him this year and he was afraid he wouldn't have any friends/know anyone.
We finally finished breakfast and were out the door to school but I made him stop for a few quick pictures before we left.
We got to the school just as they were starting drop-off time so he didn't have time to be nervous about it because he was looking a little nervous in the car.
His teacher got him out and he was on his way. He had one of the same teachers that he had last year, Miss Jennifer, which I think helped because he already knew her. I was nervous the entire time he was at school. I hoped he had a good day. I hoped he was good and didn't throw tantrums at school. I hoped he had fun.
I made sure that I was one of the first people there at pick-up so that if he was worried that I wasn't there he could see my car. I watched for him to walk out and was happy to see that he found a friend, he came walking out holding a girls hand. He found his friend Emeri from last year.
He was excited to tell me about all of his friends that were in his class from last year. he had a great first day and so many things to tell me about. He drew a triangle, square, rectangle and circle and had a huge smile on his face. It sounds like the beginning of another great school year.
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