Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Things they say

I have been horrible about blogging over the last year and a half.  I have wanted to record all the fun things the boys say somewhere so I can put them together in a book and thought about starting another new blog, but decided this was a great place to post.  It really is all about every day with these crazy boys.  I will start doing many small posts, just a picture here and there, a silly/funny thing they say, all the fun things that happen in our life every day!  I am always shaking my head at the things they say and hope they will enjoy it all as much as I do when they are all grown up.  

This happened this morning:

So to start I'll post the most recent conversations I've posted on Facebook.

On the way home from taking Roman to school.

Hudson - Mmmmmm...This is good. But I tink (think) it might be bad.
Me - Uh, what is good?
Hudson - Ummmmm. This crumb.
Me - What crumb?
Hudson - I finding them in my car seat.
Me - Eew, don't eat crumbs out of your car seat!
Hudson - Oh. Yeah. I tink they might be bad to eat. (starts spitting)

UGH! Time to clean out the car seats!


Roman - mom, can you help me put Blueberry's slippers on?
Me - sure, who's clothes are those?
Roman- they are Ryder's can you help me put those on too?
Me- yep, go get Ryder. 
Me- roman there's still an extra pair of pants here.
Roman- oh those must be Odessa's.
Me- *sigh* go get Odessa then too.

Its sad that we talk about all the build-a-bear animals using their names, like they are part of the family.

And also from yesterday

We were watching Electric Company and one of the singers is heavily tattooed and roman asked "why did that guy let someone draw all over his neck? I think he needs a shower or something."

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