We have been going in every Tuesday for Roman to have his blood drawn (and the last two weeks they have also done urine tests) to check his kidney function. The number we have been watching the most closely has been the Creatinine level, which has been slowly going down. We also need to watch his BUN level, which unfortunately isn't going down as much as the creatinine level. We are also watching his potassium, phosphorus, and iron levels. The first week things hadn't changed much, it was only 3 days after he was discharged from the hospital (creatinine level 1.20, phosphorus and potassium normal), and the levels had basically remained unchanged (Creatinine level of 1.21, potassium and phosphorus normal range). The next week his creatinine level was a little higher (1.28) and his potassium was high. I was beating myself up because we have been trying so hard to watch everything he eats. I did some learning that day. Apparently he can have canned peaches but not fresh because fresh have too much potassium which is probably why his creatinine level was high too. So we worked on improving diet again, started researching everything before we fed things to Roman (and called the dietitian a few more times) and were hopefully back on track.
We still have to wake Roman every 4 hours at night to go to the bathroom. Last Thursday night (July 26) I went to a baby shower. When I got home Spencer told me Roman hadn't gone to the bathroom much before bed so he asked if I would take him again. I took him again, but he didn't really go much then either. At 3:30 I got up with him to go to the bathroom and he said he couldn't pee. I finally told him to try one last time and if he couldn't pee we'd just take him back to bed. He tried really hard and got a few drips out. But it wasn't pee. It was blood. Spencer and I were both in the bathroom by this point, we looked at the blood, each other, and decided I better take him up to Primary Children's ER.
We got up to the ER just after 4:00 am. They decided to test his blood just to check his kidney levels again, they called the urologist and the nephrologist. The urologist asked that they do a urine test as well and an ultrasound of his kidneys and bladder. We took Roman to the bathroom and asked him to try to pee again, but not to push if he couldn't. He was able to get a little out, and went several more times while we were there. He was passing some blood clots in his urine. They sent us for the ultrasound and they said it looked very similar to the previous one (from the first day he was in the hospital when he was admitted), the ureters were slightly less dilated) The radiologist showed me his bladder on the screen and how rough and think it was where it should be smooth. She also showed me the damage they were looking at on his kidneys (they are thinner in the areas that are damaged).
They had us wait until Roman's doctors were there (at 7) then we had to wait for them to make their way down to the ER to see him. It was the same urologist we saw the entire time we were which was nice because we didn't have to explain everything again. The good news he gave us, his creatinine level was now at 1.14 (so down .14 in just 3 days) and his potassium level was again in normal range. The urine culture did not show an active infection in the urine but there was some bacteria. He was on a prophylactic antibiotic to try to prevent an infection but with the bacteria and everything else looked good it looked like he had an infection in the valve he had surgery on. More good news, he just needed a stronger antibiotic and we could go home!
We go back to his kidney doctor tomorrow, so I'm hoping we'll know more after that. I have to remind myself that even though his creatinine level has improved so much there are other things that factor into kidney function (his BUN level is still very high) and they aren't improving like this the creatinine, potassium and phosphorus levels, which means we are doing a good job with diet, but his kidneys are still struggling.
This week has been a week full of appointments. Monday Roman got to go to the pediatric dentist. He had his teeth cleaned on July 3 (so the day before he went into the hospital) but because of the amount of iron he is taking his teeth were grey and black. Thankfully Dr Jared was able to clean it right off and said that we can come in as frequently as we need to. Probably every few weeks for now. While we were there Jared gave each of my boys a stuffed animal. He gave Hudson a duck (actually it's not a duck because it doesn't have wings, Jared explained to me that it's called a google). Hudson named it "Puffy" and it's his new lovey. He takes it everywhere, sleeps with it, he loves Puffy.
Roman got a polar bear that at first he was planning to name Polar because Hudson had named his puffy, but he changed it's name to Bear Lee the Bear. (He thought he was funny. He said then if anyone asked "Barely what?" he can cay "Bear Lee a bear.")
On Tuesday we had to go in to have Roman's blood drawn again then that afternoon we had his "well child check-up." We have had it scheduled for months for both of our boys. Hudson is back on the growth charts for weight! We were very excited about that. He now weighs 24 lbs 11 oz (11%) and is 32.25" (10%). He has a HUGE head though (88%!) Roman had gained 5 lbs since we were discharged from the hospital, but he is still small all around for his age (4% for weight, not even on the chart for height (38.75")) Our doctor was able to tell me the results from his blood work that morning and his creatinine level was down to 1.02, phosphorus and potassium within normal range. BUN level still 33 (which is high).
Yesterday Roman got the nicest card in the mail. It was from several of his nurses up at Primary Children's hospital. I can't say enough great things about the care Roman received there. I am sure the nurses tell all the kids they are their favorite, but Roman just LOVED the nurses. It's been almost 3 weeks since we came home, and it was so sweet to see their notes to him.
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