I was looking at my cute baby boy and I realized he isn't a baby. He is growing up. No matter how much I want to deny it, it's happening. He is speaking more clearly and his words are changing from his words to real words. A few of his words I don't want to forget:
Monka - When he wants you to come he says Monka. Then if you don't he starts repeating it which turns in to mon come on come on come on.
Buh-ee or Buh-buh - This is what he calls Roman.
Monk-a-monk - Any monkey. He loves monkeys. He sleeps with monkey blankets, a bed full of monkey stuff animals, hisi favorite pajamas have monkeys on them. He LOVES them.
He now calls me Mommy instead of Mama, I just noticed this week and I am a little sad, and he has started saying Mom now sometimes too. It's adorable when he says Daah-deeeee. He can say Roman, but never when he's wanting Roman. He calls all dogs that we hear or see Bro-ee.
Hudson's language has really taken off over the last 2 months. He is using more sentences and trying out new words all the time. He is a little mimic. He says everything we do. We had my brother-in-law and sister-in-law over to play games one weekend. My brother-in-law messed up on the game and said "Dang it!" Hudson immediately started saying "Dang it!" At that point my Brother-in-law said "Oh shoot!" Now Hudson keeps running around saying "Dang it! And "Oh Shoot!" At least it was the better versions of the words....
A few of my favorite words he says right now
(In this picture, Spencer is edging the lawn, Hudson wanted to see it,
but was scared if the edger, so he hid behind the garbage can!)
Uh hun - for Uh huh (or yes)
he says Come on now instead of monka, I really liked monka.
I note no - I don't know
Showuh - Shower. The boy LOVES showers. He begs to take showers.
Milk - Any drink he calls milk.
Thank you - Hudson is so sweet and remembers to say "Thank you" all the time. It's hard to be frustrated at 2 in the morning when you hand him his drink and even though he's half asleep he says "Thank you"
He sings Twinkle Twinkle it goes something like this "twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle" But he sort of has the tune down.
He can count to twenty and backwards from 5 down to one (and he always says "Blast Off" when he gets down to one.)
He knows most of the ABC's but usually gets stuck at H because he likes to say that the H says Huh. He sang "The H says Huh" for about 30 minutes while we were driving to California. He LOVES the letter H. We try to get him onto another letter, but he always goes back to the H.
(For some reason my boys both think my sitting room is the perfect place to dance naked!
They get their clothes off then run for the sitting room!)
One day as I was putting Hudson down at the table for Dinner he said "Mommy." Without thinking I responded "What baby?" Hudson said "Not baby, Name a Hudson." He is growing up so fast! I think the fact that he is almost 2 is making me realize we are almost past the baby stage (okay, we probably are and I am just in denial about it) to the toddler stage. I love all the new things he says and does, but it makes me so sad that he is growing up.
He wants to do everything Roman is doing. One morning I got them bowls of cereal and cups of milk for breakfast. Hudson would eat a bite every time Roman did. When Roman walked away from his cup of milk, Hudson picked up both cups and took Roman his and said "dink...dink!" And tried to put it into Roman's mouth for him.
When Roman picks up a book to read it, Hudson wants to do the same thing.
If Roman is playing cars, so is Hudson.
They are becoming such little buddies.
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