Today I'm the meanest mom ever because...
I didn't buy the $7 popcorn at the dollar movie.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Roman said...
Roman - you don't put enough easy chores on the chore chart. Uuuh (hits wall). And you don't pay me enough to do hard chores.
Me - well I don't get paid enough to listen to you scream. (Commence hiding in my bedroom)
Me - well I don't get paid enough to listen to you scream. (Commence hiding in my bedroom)
Hudson said
Hudson - mom, you know what I am? (Turns around and shows me that he has a toy pliers in his back pocket.)
Me - um, a builder?
Hudson - nope, I'm a plumber. Gotta go. I need to go plumb.
And he ran out of the room.
Me - um, a builder?
Hudson - nope, I'm a plumber. Gotta go. I need to go plumb.
And he ran out of the room.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Hudson Said...
Hudson loves playing with Siri on my phone. This just happened:
Hudson - Siri, show me pictures of Mickey mouse.
Siri - finding images of naked man on the web.
Me - whoa, give me that!
Hudson - Siri, show me pictures of Mickey mouse.
Siri - finding images of naked man on the web.
Me - whoa, give me that!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Life with boys
Sent the boys upstairs about 10 minutes ago to get dressed.
Me - hey boys, come here. Are you dressed?
Roman - just a second, I forgot to put something on.
Me - what?...
Hudson - his clothes.
Me - hey boys, come here. Are you dressed?
Roman - just a second, I forgot to put something on.
Me - what?...
Hudson - his clothes.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Roman - doctor apoinment updates
February is a busy month for us for doctor appointments. We have a few tests that he needs to see multiple doctors right after, or we have to do those tests more than once. Roman also has a week off from school every February, so it's the perfect time to cram all of our doctors appointments into a short amount of time.
We stared with the dentist. Both boys had their 6 month checkups, cleanings, xrays. They make themselves right at home at the dentist. The dentist is my cousin, and before Roman was born I was the office manager in his office. So my boys feel right at home there. They go in, watch movies, play with toys, oh yeah, and get their teeth taken care of too. The good news was, even though they both have tiny cavities starting, nothing that needs to be done now, in fact they are so small, and they haven't grown in more than a year, so hopefully we can just keep it like it is and not ever do anything (the decay hasn't even broken through the enamel!) Roman is going to lose at least 4 teeth in the next 6 months he told us.
The next day was our big day. We had to be up at the children's hospital at 9 am for the first test which checked his bladder, ureters, kidneys, pre and post void (so before and after going to the bathroom) I was really nervous because the radiology tech that was doing the ultrasound was not really saying anything to us. Usually at the end the radiologist comes in and shows us comparison pictures and talks to us about the results. None of that happened this time. The tech went into another room and spoke with the radiologist then came back and said "Okay, you are good to go to the doctors office now and we will send the results up to them.
I was positive it was bad news. I had prepared myself for them talking about catheters (again). The doctor came in and it was not what I expected at all. The doctor (urologist) said "whatever you are doing, don't stop! He should not be able to empty his bladder as damaged as it is, but clearly he is. I don't have any other patients with as much damage as he has that don't need some sort of intermittent catheterization." We work VERY HARD to not need to catheterize him so I'm happy to know it's paying off! His ureters are also still very dilated but not refluxing at all, another huge blessing. All that means, even though he should not be able to empty his bladder, he is!
After we were done with urology we had to go to the lab to have his blood drawn for the appointment the next morning with his kidney doctors (nephrology). I usually check his labs online the same night that his blood is drawn, but I decided not to check them because it would only cause me stress and I would wait to hear the results the next morning from the doctor.
We see an entire team when we go to these appointments. We usually start with the nurse, then nurse practitioner, then dietitian, then the doctor. The nurse comes in and does the usual updating his history, taking vitals, etc. Nurse practitioner does a basic evaluation, dietitian is who discusses lab results with us and tells us what we can add back into/need to take out of his diet to help keep him healthy. Then the doctor does kind of a wrap up and overall evaluation based on the information collected by everyone else. It was another good news appointment! Roman's creatinine and protein are back down a little and he gained 5 pounds since November. Those are the things (and age) that are used to calculate kidney function. Right now, his kidney function is back up to 43% that is HUGE! In November he was down to 32%. It was slowly creeping up over the last year, and we dropped back to where it was a year ago. Because of that we are able to go 4.5 months between visits and labs.
We stared with the dentist. Both boys had their 6 month checkups, cleanings, xrays. They make themselves right at home at the dentist. The dentist is my cousin, and before Roman was born I was the office manager in his office. So my boys feel right at home there. They go in, watch movies, play with toys, oh yeah, and get their teeth taken care of too. The good news was, even though they both have tiny cavities starting, nothing that needs to be done now, in fact they are so small, and they haven't grown in more than a year, so hopefully we can just keep it like it is and not ever do anything (the decay hasn't even broken through the enamel!) Roman is going to lose at least 4 teeth in the next 6 months he told us.
The next day was our big day. We had to be up at the children's hospital at 9 am for the first test which checked his bladder, ureters, kidneys, pre and post void (so before and after going to the bathroom) I was really nervous because the radiology tech that was doing the ultrasound was not really saying anything to us. Usually at the end the radiologist comes in and shows us comparison pictures and talks to us about the results. None of that happened this time. The tech went into another room and spoke with the radiologist then came back and said "Okay, you are good to go to the doctors office now and we will send the results up to them.
I was positive it was bad news. I had prepared myself for them talking about catheters (again). The doctor came in and it was not what I expected at all. The doctor (urologist) said "whatever you are doing, don't stop! He should not be able to empty his bladder as damaged as it is, but clearly he is. I don't have any other patients with as much damage as he has that don't need some sort of intermittent catheterization." We work VERY HARD to not need to catheterize him so I'm happy to know it's paying off! His ureters are also still very dilated but not refluxing at all, another huge blessing. All that means, even though he should not be able to empty his bladder, he is!
After we were done with urology we had to go to the lab to have his blood drawn for the appointment the next morning with his kidney doctors (nephrology). I usually check his labs online the same night that his blood is drawn, but I decided not to check them because it would only cause me stress and I would wait to hear the results the next morning from the doctor.
We see an entire team when we go to these appointments. We usually start with the nurse, then nurse practitioner, then dietitian, then the doctor. The nurse comes in and does the usual updating his history, taking vitals, etc. Nurse practitioner does a basic evaluation, dietitian is who discusses lab results with us and tells us what we can add back into/need to take out of his diet to help keep him healthy. Then the doctor does kind of a wrap up and overall evaluation based on the information collected by everyone else. It was another good news appointment! Roman's creatinine and protein are back down a little and he gained 5 pounds since November. Those are the things (and age) that are used to calculate kidney function. Right now, his kidney function is back up to 43% that is HUGE! In November he was down to 32%. It was slowly creeping up over the last year, and we dropped back to where it was a year ago. Because of that we are able to go 4.5 months between visits and labs.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Meanest Mom Award goes to....
Today I'm the meanest mom ever because:
I made Roman get clean socks on and won't let him wear the socks that are filled with sand from the park yesterday.
I made Roman get clean socks on and won't let him wear the socks that are filled with sand from the park yesterday.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Hudson said...
Hudson - Mom, how do you spell (jumbled word)?
Me - What?
Hudson - word again)?
Me - Come here so I can understand you.
Roman - He said bra. B-R-A Hudson. Bra. That's not good, but now you can spell it. Now stop yelling....
Hudson - I didn't say bra. I sayed from.
Me - From?
Hudson - Yeah, from.
Me - What?
Hudson - word again)?
Me - Come here so I can understand you.
Roman - He said bra. B-R-A Hudson. Bra. That's not good, but now you can spell it. Now stop yelling....
Hudson - I didn't say bra. I sayed from.
Me - From?
Hudson - Yeah, from.
Monday, February 16, 2015
And they are off
Today my parents left to go to the MTC to train for their mission to Cambodia. It's still crazy to think that my parents are going to be gone for 2 years. And not to a place that we can just hop in the car and go visit them. They will be half way around the world, in an area that we have never been to, in fact didn't really know any information about before they received their call. When they received their mission call back in October it seemed so far off, but it came quickly. They will be in the MTC for a week in Provo, UT, then they will have the weekend at home to prepare the rest of the way then they will have 3 days of meetings at the church office building then a week from this Thursday, on February 26 they will fly to Cambodia. If you are interested in following along with what is going on with them, they started a blog.
Before they left we decided to do family pictures. They were originally planning to do them a couple of weeks ago, but Becky was in the hospital, so we had to postpone them until this past Thursday. They were at 6:30 at night which was an adventure to say the least. 6:30 pm is a tough time with kids that go to bed at 7:30, and especially when you have one that is on ADHD medication that wears off by 5. While the pictures were being taken we THOUGHT he was being pretty good. He was sitting still...Then we got the pictures back. It's a good thing that the photographer can do head swaps, he said he's going to have to do 7. Here are a few of the unedited pictures that he shared with us. Here's the one that I thought (unedited) was the best of everyone. I'm interested to see the composition he comes up with to give us the best of everyone!
Before they left we decided to do family pictures. They were originally planning to do them a couple of weeks ago, but Becky was in the hospital, so we had to postpone them until this past Thursday. They were at 6:30 at night which was an adventure to say the least. 6:30 pm is a tough time with kids that go to bed at 7:30, and especially when you have one that is on ADHD medication that wears off by 5. While the pictures were being taken we THOUGHT he was being pretty good. He was sitting still...Then we got the pictures back. It's a good thing that the photographer can do head swaps, he said he's going to have to do 7. Here are a few of the unedited pictures that he shared with us. Here's the one that I thought (unedited) was the best of everyone. I'm interested to see the composition he comes up with to give us the best of everyone!
And to show you just how many faces Roman pulled...This is Roman from every family picture. We'll just call it lots of personality.
Valentine's - Hudson style
Hudson was so excited to get Valentines this year, and he worked so hard to write his name on each of them. It was a lot of work, but he did great!
I love when he concentrates on something his tongue hangs out. Roman does the same thing.
I love when he concentrates on something his tongue hangs out. Roman does the same thing.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Roman's Report Card
Romans got his report card today....I told him A- meant he failed. He was a little upset because he "failed" 3 classes. I'm a mean mom! He is such a smart kid!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Hudson and his cousins
My sister, Becky had her 4th girl in January. Because of crazy schedules the boys had not seen her yet. About 3 weeks after Bree was born, Becky was still not feeling well, in fact she was feeling worse. Finally she went to the ER and ended up spending 3 days in the ICU. While she was there we had her 2 year old, Kate, stay at our house. Hudson and Kate had a lot of fun together. Kate wanted to do everything hudson was doing.
I had fun doing Kate's hair "Pretty." She loved having pretty hair and loved looking at it in the mirror.

The second day that Kate was with us, we were eating lunch and as Kate finished I asked her if she was ready for a nap. Hudson volunteered to take her up. I sat downstairs and listened as he tucked her in, gave her her doll, and told her to close her eyes. I wasn't sure if she would go to sleep for him or not. I went up to check on her a few minutes later and she was asleep, with her doll on her head. (Not sure who put the doll on her head.)
Becky's new baby, Bree was at my parents. Because my parents are leaving on their mission next week we went to their house and took care of Bree while they had their tutor sssions learning the Cambodian language. Hudson thought Bree was so cute and sweet. After about an hour he said "Bree wants me to hold her." He even went and washed his hands without being asked and made sure I washed my hands before touching her.
I had fun doing Kate's hair "Pretty." She loved having pretty hair and loved looking at it in the mirror.
The second day that Kate was with us, we were eating lunch and as Kate finished I asked her if she was ready for a nap. Hudson volunteered to take her up. I sat downstairs and listened as he tucked her in, gave her her doll, and told her to close her eyes. I wasn't sure if she would go to sleep for him or not. I went up to check on her a few minutes later and she was asleep, with her doll on her head. (Not sure who put the doll on her head.)
Becky's new baby, Bree was at my parents. Because my parents are leaving on their mission next week we went to their house and took care of Bree while they had their tutor sssions learning the Cambodian language. Hudson thought Bree was so cute and sweet. After about an hour he said "Bree wants me to hold her." He even went and washed his hands without being asked and made sure I washed my hands before touching her.
Hudson said...
Me - Hudson you are being too loud, if you want to play with that toy you need to go down to the basement.
Hudson - But it's dark down there.
Me - Well, there are these things called lights. They make it so its not dark.
Hudson - What's a light? Is it a new invention?
Me - There are these things on the wall called light switches, you turn them on, and a light turns on in the room.
Hudson - (turns on light switch) It's a MIRACLE.
Hudson - But it's dark down there.
Me - Well, there are these things called lights. They make it so its not dark.
Hudson - What's a light? Is it a new invention?
Me - There are these things on the wall called light switches, you turn them on, and a light turns on in the room.
Hudson - (turns on light switch) It's a MIRACLE.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Roman said...
Me - Roman will you please drink the cup of water on the table?
Roman - 2 IKEA cups?
Me - that's fine if they are all the way full.
Roman - I have my own ideas of what's full.
Me - yeah, just drink the cup you have then!
Roman - 2 IKEA cups?
Me - that's fine if they are all the way full.
Roman - I have my own ideas of what's full.
Me - yeah, just drink the cup you have then!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Warm winter weater
This winter has been unusually warm. Last winter was warmer than usual too, and the east coast was slammed with snow. Seems like this winter has followed that same pattern. I can't really complain about that.
The boys go outside to play most days, some days they have even shed their jackets because it was just to warm. The new hats and mittens I made for them this year have been used more as fashion accessories than warm winter gear. I just keep waiting for the frigid cold, but so far, we only had a short bitter cold spell in December and since then it's been nice. Our only real winter storm to speak of was on Christmas, and I think everyone was praying for a white Christmas.
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