Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hudson Said...

Me - Hudson, what are you doing?
Hudson - (sounding very muffled) Nothing
Me - (walk around the corner to find him)  Ahhhhhh! Get your head out of the toilet! Eww so many germs! Not okay!!!
Hudson - I'm making my hair not stick up.
Me - Ahhhhhhhhh! Not an okay way to get your hair wet!!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spring Break 2015 - Day 4 - Bees and Cacti, a trip to the zoo and Dilworths too!


For some reason we forgot to take pictures the rest of the day on Thursday.  This is the only picture we took at the zoo, and we forgot to take any pictures with the Dilworth's.

Spring Break 2015 - Day 3 - Butterflies and Flames and Meeting Alex and Diego

Butterfly Wonderland was WONDERFUL! We loved it all! The Chrysalides were all so unique and the Monarch Chrysalides were so pretty with little gold dots and lines.

Hall of Flame Museum

Dinner with Alex and Diego